Ultimate Guide to Trademark Renewal in India: Everything You Need to Know
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Trademark Renewal Online
What is Trademark Renewal?
In India, trademark registrations are only valid for 10 years and can be renewed perpetually, but internationally it can vary by jurisdiction. During the six-month period prior to the expiration date, it can be renewed. It is the trademark registrar’s office’s policy to allow 6 months for trademark owners to renew their trademarks and reclaim their rights.
Trademark registrars announce and withdraw trademarks if people do not renew them.
The owner of the trademark receives a reminder notice for renewal before the trademark is withdrawn from the journal.
Trademark Restoration: Even though the owner still doesn’t apply for the renewal or fails to renew the trademark it can be done within six months of the expiring trademark.
Advantages of Trademark Renewal
- Legal Protection: Trademark Renewal is responsible for not losing your right to your trademark and you can take legal action against unauthorised use of your trademark imitation.
- Brand Recognition: Brand renewal preserves and projects your brand identity and also helps the brand to get recognized in the market.
- Business Growth: Keeping the trademark of the brand is quite valuable in order to grow the business because big companies generate huge profits through royalty and licensing their brand.
- Long-Term Use: Trademark renewal gives lifetime ownership by renewing and maintaining it
Documents Required for Trademark Renewal in India
- A copy of the trademark registration copy.
- Address proof of applicant.
- Identity Proof of the applicant.
- Copy of TM-A form (used while registering trademark initially).
- Power of attorney (if the applicant is representing as a trademark owner).
The Procedure of Trademark Renewal
The procedure of renewal of a trademark in India includes several steps including application, review, announcement, opposition and certification.
- Application for Renewal: The four-month opposition period is called the Objection period. If there is any concern about the trademark, this timeframe allows for raising the objection.
- Application Review: After submitting the renewal form it goes for review and all the required information should be submitted while submitting the Trademark renewal form.
- Publishing trademark Journal: Within the four months the Trademark goes into the trademark journal once it gets reviewed.
- Opposition Period: The timeframe of four months is called the Opposition period and if there is any concern about the trademark this timeframe allows to raise the objection.
- Renewal Certificate: After completing the above steps or resolving the dispute the Trademark Office gives the renewal certificate.
Trademark Status: You can find the status of your trademark on the government portal.
The trademark state can be followed:
- Registered
- Renewed
- Pending
- Expired
- Restoration
- Pending
- Objected
How Our Company Helps?
As You submit our form, Our team will contact you and guide you for further procedures and give you the best outcomes and best results. We believe in quick and on-time resolution of the task and query. We take the concern of our client on a priority basis and resolve it as soon as it can be done.
With a large team of experts, we offer the best Business and legal consulting services in India. We have highly skilled and trained consultants having decades of experience in the industry.
- Time Efficiency: We look after the best time frame to get the thing done.
- Strong Team: We have a highly qualified and highly skilled and strong service and product knowledge that always guides our clients to growth.
- Makes Process Easy: In the complex process of documentation, we make things easy for our client and rescue the efforts of our client. In trademark renewal, we keep on updating our clients on trademark renewal status indefinitely.